Neurosurgery Dr. Stoforou


Transdermal RadioFrequency spine discoplasty MIS is a minimally invasive transdermal technique of treating the intervertebral disc herniation with the application of low current radiofrequency, either in the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine.

Additionally the transdermal discogel spine discoplasty MIS is a minimally invasive transdermal technique of treating the intervertebral disc herniation, either in the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine with the application of an injectable material called discogel.

Discogel is a liquid solution of ethanol gel along with contrast material.

Transdermal RF or discogel spine discoplasty MIS technique is simple and very well tolerated by the patient. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, with a needle that is advanced to the intervertebral disc under x-ray guidance. Discogel is then injected into the intervertebral disc that is suffering.

The goal of the transdermal discoplasty MIS is the progressive dehydration and shrinkage of the intervertebral disc over time.

The transdermal discogel spine discoplasty MIS process takes 15 minutes. The patient then remains on bed for about 2 hours and then leaves the hospital.

Pain relief with RF is immediate whilst with DiscoGel takes a few days to a few weeks to alleviate the patient.

The indications for the application of the transdermal discogel spine discoplasty MIS technique are:

  • Propagation or Projection of the intervertebral disc with sciatica
  • Failure of medication and physiotherapy for at least 6 weeks

The contra-indications for the application of discogel are:

  • Broken intervertebral disc
  • Neurological damage (paresis or hypoaesthesia) certified by electromyography
  • Satisfactory response to medication and physiotherapy
  • Hyperuricemia support
  • Vertebral stenosis
  • Vertebral column instability
  • Spinal slip (Spondylolisthisis)
  • Previous interventions in the area
  • Local or systemic inflammation
  • Coagulation problems

Attention: It is crucial for the success of the transdermal discogel spine discoplasty MIS intervention to adhere correctly and strictly to the indications and contraindications for the application of this technique.